Untitled Document
Untitled Document
  Lake Trustee Scam 2020
  Te Keepa Background
  Horowhenua Block
  Tribal conflicts latest 2020 Lake trustees
  Government Injustices
  Maori Land Court Rules
  Bad Investments
  Te Puni Kokiri
  Lake Accord
  Domain Bylaw change
2018 Court update
Lake Trustee voting

Under the New Zealand Settlements Act 1863 the government confiscated 1.2 million acres (486,000 hectares) of Maori land in late 1864. Kemp in The Horowhenua was forced to give and sell land to the Government agents who wanted legal fees, cheap grazing and survey costs which were unknown at the time. Maori lost a great deal of its lands and

Pākehā settlers would occupy the confiscated land while successive governments would bring in new laws like the Public Works Acts to confiscate even more lands. The Government in 2012 will not negotiate with the direct descendents hence urban authorities with indirect links to our direct descendent lines are now taking place yet it is an injustice to Maoridom. Letters to Ministers as of March 2nd 2013 have gone unanswered with even our Maori MP's turning a blind eye.




The lakebed, dewatered zone, islands and the Hokio Stream are owned by beneficial members of the Muaupoko tribe 1511 of them in 81 shares, as determined by the Reserves and other Lands Disposal Act (ROLD) 1956. The lake waters Muaupoko Domain, dewatered zone and one chain reserve strip in front of the Muaupoko Domain are vested under the Reserves Act 1977 in the Horowhenua Lake Domain Board. To date they have achieved nothing and even today sewerage is released into the Horowhenua Lake by the Council when it is overloaded.



Matt Sword said it wasn't necessary to seek owners approval until after signing yet he won't commit before hand. Remember this Matt Sword is not even an lake owner. It was brought up in 1989 there was a Lake Horowhenua & Hokio Stream Management Strategy and accord between groups yet again for 25 years to clean the Lake with the same parties of the latest Accord. The Judge has not even seen a copy of this Accord and the case is set to continue on the Accord issue. No Court date has been reset as yet.

The above wrieup in the Levin ChroniclesJuly 5th 2013 does not mention the Lobby group. This is not a meeting of owners but an info hui as it is only advertised in the Levin Chronicle paper not nationwide.

We were told there was a meeting at kawiu Marae Sunday the 7th July but not a lot was said apart from an introduction of what the Accord is about. Colin Paki never spoke which in a way he should have explining the position of the Lobby Group so owners know where they are at. But the Lobby as we know want the Lake Trust to lead which is good. Whata Winiata and others arrived to talk about their ideas with the Lobby Group but were interjected by one party. The problem with a lot of these meetings those who say they are going to speak never do so its normally left to a few and really all owners need to express themselves rather than talk behind closed doors.


[ Read the Manawatu Standard reporters report ] 09/04/2013 MATHEW GROCOTT


THE ACCORD PROCESS where it is now

The Council are now seeking an Accord to clean up the weeds & spread the work out for themselves with no solutions yet they do not realize that what they have not done to remedy the Lake has already been documentated. The Lake Trustees wish to sign as well without any knowledge that the cleanup does not addess the main issue: the sediment removal. Owners & the Lake local Iwi have now banded together to form a community team to assist in the clean up with Pare Raukawa who are owners in the Hokio Stream but not the Lake. Some members of the Lake Trustees tried to pass the Accord and have it signed but those that stuck to their guns like Kaumatua Charles Rudd, Wayne Hirinui and Vivienne Taueki who are for the people [ He aha te mia nui o te moana roto ---He tangata, he tangata, he tangata ] not themselves blocked the necessary signing which would mean the Council would lead this Accord and could then dictate the outcome or the delays.

But in saying that no statements from the Lake Trustees are ensuing owners that all is well. They do not notify any owners by way of statements so hearsay explodes the situation. This is the problem as Trustees do not take it upon themselves to match statements with words in the media so all parties are unaware & owners rely on these people as Trustees yet how can one trust carry out individual agendas then fail to keep to the Trust order as they have done. Minutes are unreal and we will publish exactly what they say so you can see the calibar of the Trustees from the Maori Land Court files. T

You as owners have received nothing from this Trust and never been told what they have got out of the Trust in their positions as Trustees.


As you can see theres only book value on the Buildings the Lake Trust wants to take off the land owned by us onwers. The rest of the current asset base is zero?? so what happened to the assets. Owners need answers!!! What is the current balance now---- what have they spent---- have they spent wisely and on what----- did they pay the lawyer in Court or did the MLC? Questions we will be asking these Lake Trustees.

But theres more as the case goes to Court with the buildings, injunction and the filing to have the Trustees removed still on the cards. For their idiotic korero at meetings not addressing the real concerns but instead having personal battles we ask is our money being spent what little there is on what.

Now ask yourself whose paying the lawyer for the Lake Trust? is the $49k about to get depleted as this case progresses. Incidentally the MLC fund has dried up we were told by the Maori Land Court so no monies are availablpe to pay the legal fees so any lawyer must get paid somehow by somebody? More to come but overseas owners need to ask us questions--- it is in the owners & public interest we raise these concerns as owners in the Lake as they are spending our money on waste when these matters could have been totally avoided--read the minutes then ask yourself as you read what each has to say.

Click here to download the Accord Draft Plan [OPEN pdf: ] as at 14th May 2013 & see for yourself what a load of rubbish with nothing on sediment removal or inlet monitoring.


Horizons started monitoring the Lake & fish species but this does not change or solve the real problem--the sludge.

The meeting set for Sept 22nd never eventuated--no notification to owners??

PRESS RELEASE 30th Sept 2013 although is not allowed in the Levin Chronicle Press???

Horowhenua District Council candidate Phil Taueki has accused the Council's Chief Executive of producing a report for this week's council meeting that is misleading and designed to discredit him.
He also slams the Lake Accord signed on 4 August this year as a sham, as the Mayor is already reneging on an agreement to divert stormwater away from the privately-owned Lake Horowhenua.
Lake Horowhenua is rated one of the ten worst lakes in the country, and last year NIWA scientist Dr Max Gibbs confirmed that under certain conditions, a mouthful of water could kill a child.
Council's solicitors have asked council to ratify an agreement made by the Levin Borough Council in 1973 to drain stormwater across the one-chain strip/dewatered area from the Queen Street drain into Lake Horowhenua.
At the time, the Borough Council's works committee had given the Lake Trustees an assurance that it would not permit any water passing through the stormwater drain to be polluted by trade wastes etc and the Trustees were prepared to sign an agreement provided it included these safeguards.
The document was not signed by any representatives of the Levin Borough Council.
Chief Executive David Clapperton says that all council will be doing it to ratify the execution of an agreement that should have been executed 40 years ago. This would "support Council's opposition to an application by Mr Phillip Taueki to dam or block the Queen Street, Levin drain".
Mr Taueki says that his application to the Maori Land Court is a straightforward claim of nuisance against the Council, and there is no reference in his claim to damming or blocking the drain.
The Queen Street drain currently discharges Levin's stormwater across the privately-owned one chain strip and dewatered area which is part of the Horowhenua 11 (Lake).
The Local Government Act 2002 does not entitle a local authority to create a nuisance or deprive any person of any right or remedy a person would otherwise have against the local authority in respect of any nuisance.
Mr Taueki says that within days of signing the Lake Accord, the council was filing documents in the Maori Court to oppose his application to stop pollutants entering the lake.
He is also concerned that the Regional Council last week considered a confidential proposal to acquire land in relation to the Lake Accord that has not been considered by the Lake Trust, let alone the owners.
Together with two Lake Trustees, he had been denied speaking rights on this matter.
Mr Taueki says that Dr Gerard McCoy QC who represented him in the Supreme Court earlier this year has already offered to seek a judicial review of any decision the Horowhenua District Council may make. Lake owners for further information, phone 06 368 9316 Levin NZ.

Click here to download the Horowhenua District Council wanting to release stormwaters into Lake Horowhenua again & repollute the Lake---yes Horowhenua District Council [OPEN pdf: ]

The blame is on all Maori not thinking and getting their act together. Too much bickering and nothing being achieved. Disgraceful.

All are too blame



Remember if you are overseas and an owner in the Horowhenua Block please feel free to email us of your concerns as this website is for all owners in the Block 11. Go to indemnity.

You owners have your say: Drop us a line:


[ Lake trust July 2014 ] [ ROLD submission ] [ Horowhenua Lake History ] [ Lake Accord ]


Major Kemp and Tanguru Chiefs of Muaupoko Tribe NZ

[ History ] [ Wai 108 claim ] [ Office of Treaty Settlements ]

[ Lake Blame 2023 ] [ Lake news 2018 ] [ WECA Water & Environment group 2018 ] [ Drains,inlets and streams feeding the Lake 2018 ]

[ Arawhata flooding June 20th 2015 ] [ Listener Karl du Fresne Report Lake Aug 2014 ] [ Lake Trustees vote to remove Lake buildings? ] [ Sir Wira Gardiners shock report about MTA Nov 2013 ] [ Horowhenua Council Rating June 2014 ]

[ CFRT Crown Forestry Rental Trust] [ The money grab ] [ MCC- Muaupoko Cluster Group ] [ Horowhenua Lake 2013 ] [ ROLD Act ] [ Horowhenua Lake Trust ] [ OTS selling our Landbanked hospital & kimberley ] [ Lake Accord 2013 to NOT clean our Lake ] [ Lake Lobby Group 2013 to clean our Lake ] [ Horowhenua Council Polluters ] [ Lake Accord 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Cleaning the Lake area 2024 [ Livin in Levin decide to clean the domain ]

Please note some pages on this website are unlisted for public viewing. Info has been collated from oral conversations from kuia & kaumatua & text material we have accumulated over years. [ Info Indemnity ]